committed to keeping you fit

Friday, January 9, 2009

Staying Motivated


Do You Want to KEEP Your Motivation? ----

Turn Your Desires and Goals Into a Reality
I have a question for you -
Have you ever... ...
Set a Goal?? ...
Made a promise to yourself??
Have you then found yourself making the same resolution, setting the same goal, or making the very same promise to yourself again later?
Do any of these ring a bell? I'm going to quit smoking...
I'm going to lose ___ pounds
I'm going to start working out...
I'm going to start getting up earlier...
I'm going to make more next year...
I'm going to spend more time with family and friends...
Sound familiar???
We've all done it. I know I have. The problem. Until now, there's never been a program that addressed the issue of keeping your Resolutions, Goals, and Promises. Sure, there are *tons* of programs on the market about setting goals and resolutions... But none of them address the issue of why you don't KEEP your resolutions, goals, and promises- until now... The Never Ending Motivation website will help you.

This can help you find ways to knock out those late night cravings. Keep those resolutions. Stay motivated and dedicate yourself to your health and fitness goals.

Q- I've set so many goals and made so manyresolutions only to fail. I've already boughtall the programs, what makes this one different?
A- Many of us have set goals only to find ourselves setting the same ones again later, and feeling frustrated about doing so and doubtful as to whether they'll take place this time. This program reveals in a very simplistic fashion WHY all those others have failed. There are seven reasons... always only seven things... that steal our motivation. When you defeat the reason that has come against you the most, your goals will be achieved...

Here's what Missy, a NEM user,has to say. "I tried and failed, and tried andf ailed again. I didn't think I could ever loseweight. Understanding the Motivation Assassinators took all the pressure off me. It took away the guilt and blame I felt when I didn't achieve a goal or keep a resolution. Ididn't feel like a failure anymore because it empowered me to overcome those obstacles in front of me. Before that I never realized I had them. I lost the weight AND have kept if off!"

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff. Staying motivated is the main factor that many diet and workout programs fail! I love the info..keep it coming!
