committed to keeping you fit

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Muscle Building For The Skinny Guy

Hello again,

I just want to tell you a little, skinny story about me, and why I do what I do. I was always the skinny kid... too small for football, not strong enough for hockey and too weak to compete at any level in high school. This was very sad for me, because I loved sports! But no matter what I did I just could never get any stronger.
I played one youth-football game in my life and three minutes into it, was rushed to the hospital because I broke three fingers on my left hand. There is a reason all professional athletes are over six feet tall and 200+ pounds (Wes Welker of the N.E. Patriots is one of the few exceptions!). I just happened to develop a little later in life, at 23 to be exact!
I was an Exercise and Sport Science Major in college, and could not seem to gain any muscle. So I took a look at the science behind muscle building. IE, protein synthesis, carbohydrates, good sugar, bad sugar etc... and I realized that I was over doing the weight lifting aspect and almost totally neglecting the nutrition side of it. Sure, like most hard gainers, I took my "magical protein powder" before bed to get a lot of calories into my system while I slept. All that ever did was give me a stomach ache in the morning. So I figured I would change my ENTIRE lifestyle! Bear in mind, I'm a sr. in college at this point, my lifestyle consisted of getting drunk and eating pizza. I called a steak and cheese sub a full meal because it had onions and peppers!!!!!!!!!!!
I stopped getting drunk and altered my eating habbits. I started taking in good, solid calories loaded with nutrients. Wouldn't you know it? I started putting on weight! Sure at first, most of it was because I was eating a lot, but once my metabolism and body got used to the concept of HARD exercise, and HARD diet, the muscle started to POP out and soon enough I was that guy wearing a sleeve-less shirt in the winter time because I had never seen my own biceps before! Trust ME!!!!!!!! This did not happen over night, as time went on though I made small goals and stayed committed!

Bottom line, I have been there, and to this day I find it difficult to come to terms with the fact I'll never be big like Jay Cutler (Sterling MA, local!!!!!!) nor will I magically gain muscle, just because a supplement tells me I am going to. In order to achieve results, you have to do the work. In the gym and at the kitchen table.

For info on how you can start to eat better and train your body for growth, check out this site:

At first you'll probably doubt its even possible, especially if you're a skinny guy like me, but trust me, it is science.
How much muscle you are going to gain depends upon how much work you are willing to do.

-Graham Smith A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
P.S. If you need a shove in the right direction check out:

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! I'm looking to lose a ton of body fat! This should keep me motivated, and it should help my golf game. Check out a great golf fitness site
